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Proposal: Associative Wiktionary


The goal of the Associative Wiktionary proposal is to convert Wictionary to associative one.

It means that we shall add multilingual associations to every word entry of Wiktionary.

Multilingual association - beautiful sensible sparkling phrase or sentence which combines words of several languages.

Examples of multilingual associations:

listen (English) леса сон /lesa son/ (dream of forest, Russian)

dog polite (English) не лает /ne laet/ (does not bark, Russian)

fair фея /feya/ (fay, Russian), фея yafeyfiya (beautiful, Hebrew)

know how say (English) ni2 hao3 (hello, Chinese)

zusammen (together, German) на экзамен (to exam, Russian)

xue2 sheng (student, Chinese) - sure handshake (English)

Ohayoo Gozaimasu (good morning, Japanese), go (English) йогой (yoga) заниматься (to make, Russian)

каждому (to everybody) скажите (say, Russian) - Hajimemashite (nice to meet you, Japanese)

malheureuse (unhappy, French) - мало роз (has not enough roses, Russian)

было мало (was not enough, Russian), но (but) molto bello (very good, Italian)

tout a coup (suddenly, French) cop (English) тут как тут /tut kak tut/ (here, Russian)

zloi(unkind, Russian) lawyer, ready for (English) redifa (chase, Hebrew)

Reasons to do the Wictionary an associative

  • At present the languages coexist almost independently. Amount of links between words of different languages is much less than amount of connections inside a language. Each language as though exists in its own plane presenting its own reflection of the world.

Creation of numerous links between languages will convert the structure of many parallel language planes to 3-dimensional structure which will be much richer than any individual language.

  • Associative dictionary helps to learn languages fast.
  • Common language helps different people to understand each other.
  • Gives new opportunities for creative work. This is like poetry using not one but many languages. It also can be considered as a multilingual game.
  • Will help to save weak languages connecting them to stronger ones.

Development of associative Wictionary requires participation of many people speaking in different languages.