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Talk:Armenian massacres

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This article does mention and describe the official view by Turkish officials and scholars, with the mentioning of disagreement of numbers, but does not seem to mention intentional mass kilings, as reported by numerous eyewitnesses and survicors.

Neither does it mention that some Turkish inhabitants tried to help the Armenians and protect them against Turkan progromms, neither does it mention that turkish officials issued decrees to kill every turkish civilian helping the armenians, neither does it mention that forced evacuation of entire areas of people of 1 race would by todays standards be described as genocide.

Nor does it mention that France & Califormia officically ackowledged the genocide, or that the european union requires official recognition by Turkey to enter the european union.

All together: this article sounds pretty one sided. As we have a discussion on this topic in the dutch wiki, I'd welcome a some more background info by others on this topic.

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