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User talk:Fuzzymike

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Health is the poor relation of modern medicine? The concept of health has become devalued and inextricably entangled in the medicalisation of society. The meaning and understanding of “health” has been confused, and modern medicine and health care has lost touch with the reality of the health of individuals and of society.

 Commercial and academic  support fund this trend and offer little of significance to the quest for a healthier society, less dependent on medicine. Where is this inexorable drive towards disease diagnosis, management and treatment, leading us with research primarily aimed at pathology.

What is “health”, what is the aetiology of health, what research has been done to address these major questions. how can modern medicine change direction towards a health orientated system, how can the public be led back towards greater health autonomy and, fundamentally, who cares enough to challenge the mainstream of modern “healthcare” thinking?

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