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Talk:List of Republican Roman Consuls

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This data does conflict with [1]. - fonzy, Also note there were more than 2 consuls in the first year, i would do it but these Latin names confuse me.

FOr everybody's info -- The best source (and most authoritative still) for who Romans are and what offices they held is the Prosopographia Imperii Romani (ed. Mommsen et al. IIRC). This should really be the final arbiter, unless there is a more recent and well-argued scholarly source. JHK 17:38 7 Jun 2003 (UTC)

I would use mine, but I loaned it out to somebody. :-) Actually, there appears to be an online version at http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/pir/, but of course it's only for Imperial Rome, and testing it out, I'm a little underwhelmed; it only turns up one Favonius, but there are at least two in the empire, the rhetor (listed in OCD) and the centurion whose tombstone is in Colchester and so famous that he appears in a video game. So Wikipedia is now more complete than PIR online, at least on the topic of Favonii. :-) But yeah, I figure at some point I'm going to make the library expedition and sort out the consuls. Stan 18:58 7 Jun 2003 (UTC)

Checking this out more carefully, yes, Wikipedia is unique in putting, say, Valerius Potitus at 443 instead of 449. It's not simply a matter of offsets, some gaps are bigger than others, suggesting some missing entries perhaps. Fortunately binary search converges quickly! Stan 22:18 8 Jun 2003 (UTC)

Filiation, abbreviation


Besides abbreviating the prenomina where possible, are we also removing the filiation (e.g., "M.f.", "L.f.") from these names? -- llywrch 19:12, 27 Sep 2003 (UTC)

I waffle and waffle... in general, it seems better to move the filiation to bios, unless needed for disambig when the three+ names are insufficient. Since discovering the massive Manius/Marcus Curius Dentatus confusion - when museum curators are mixed up, you know it's bad :-) - I've been a little down on abbreviating praenomina. One compromise would be to abbreviate the common ones and write out the uncommon, but that will still be mystifying to the random person who finds this list. Written-out praenomina have the advantage of being more sonorous and a little more "Roman-sounding", which is good for nonspecialist reader appeal. Stan 19:49, 27 Sep 2003 (UTC)

I feel your pain. <eg> I'm responsible for the mistake in abbreviating Tiberius/Titus in the List of Early Imperial Roman Consuls, which needs to be fixed someday.

My humble opinion is that it would be nice to keep the filiation down to the mid-3rd century, when it appears to have fallen out of fashion. I know, I know, the Wiki software compalins about the article being too long . . . but I also think it may be time to acknowledge the list is too long & break it into 2 parts -- the Early Republic & the Late Republic -- say around 250 BC. Input, anyone? -- llywrch 00:17, 28 Sep 2003 (UTC)

I have written out the praenomina (but not the filiation). It's pointless and confusing to leave them abbreviated. —Simetrical (talk) 21:59, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)

People & Details


Marcus Furius Camillus is listed as having served five terms as Roman_dictator. I was doing some work on consular tribunes and was only able to locate/annotate four (4) of his terms as Roman_dictator

I have created a page that breaks down the consular tribunes seperately and this could be used to expand on some of the missing names here and there, I hope. Sort of new to this game, kick me when I screw something up *wink* --MikePursifull 16:33, 10 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

On that line of thinking, however, at what point do we perhaps not list someone here, or remove sections from this list...that is, a dictator is not really a consul, nor are military tribines w/ consular powers ... or are they? Are we giving others a stronger impression of the continuity of the office of the consulship by NOT showing the breaks in the office? --MikePursifull 16:36, 10 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Some need more direct links (eg, for 95, not Quintus Mucius Scaevola, but Quintus Mucius Scaevola Pontifex User:neddyseagoon 18:43, 15 May 2006 (UTC)neddyseagoon[reply]

On a similar note, what is to be done about pages like Caecilii Metelli? Should individual pages be created where there is enough information? People like Macedonicus or Metellus Pius seem to warrant their own page. Amphipolis 14:44, 26 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Succession boxes


It would be horrendously complicated and take a long while, but might it be an idea to have succession boxes for Roman consuls, particularly for the 1st c BC where it can get so complex? User:neddyseagoon 18:43, 15 May 2006 (UTC)neddyseagoon[reply]

I am working on this. It is slow, but I have done it for everyone between 132 BCE and 59, so far. Amphipolis 04:08, 19 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Suffect Consuls


Am I correct in saying that we aren't listing all the suffect consuls here? For instance, our article on the Second Triumvirate notes that Octavian gave up his suffect consulship of 43 BC in favor of new suffect consuls in November, but we only list Octavian. We don't list a suffect consul replacing Aemilius Paullus after Cannae in 216 BC, either. Is this information just not available in a systematic way, or do we just not have it? john k 15:27, 29 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

It is probably available in places like Livy. I am less sure about Polybius because he didn't go by consular years, although his sources might have. Also I don't know if suffect consuls were recorded on the Fasti consulares. But I would put them in the list for those places where we know they were appointed. And if we don't have a name, even though we know one of the consuls died, then oh well. The list can only be as complete as our sources. Amphipolis 17:39, 2 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Here is a complete list of Republican consuls - both elected and suffect - frim the University of Alberta
fdewaele 2 July 2006, 20:50
Thanks, I wasn't aware of this list. Amphipolis
I've updated the list to include this material. Now if only we could find some such for the early empire, as well. john k 23:45, 2 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]



I must say, I don't like this list. I prefer the List at de:WP (de:Liste der römischen Konsuln). As "Flagship" the en:WP should have the best possible versions. The splitting in three parts also isn't usefull. Marcus Cyron 22:19, 27 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]