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Talk:Physics and Star Trek/Miscellaneous where they got it wrong

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Replies to:Zooldog@AOL.com

Dated: November 20,2002

It would appear, according to the known physics graphs currently in use, that the WARP ENGINE (ie:Warp core) theory is incorrect.

In order to achive a stable (constant) flow of energy, needed to propel such an emence mass such as a STARSHIP, the energy required would exceed 10/50th joules.

Even if the "Warp Bubble" could be achived using Roddenbury's assertion, the required output needed to "bend" subspace would be: .28 joules x 3.12 x10/50th pwr.

An increase in mass that would result at that factor, moving at light speed, would then require the total energy output of an entire galaxy.

It would be dubtful that ANY antimatter reactor could produce that kind of power on such a massive scale. Leave alone contain such a reaction.

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