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Order of the Solar Temple

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Order of the Solar Temple
Ordre du Temple solaire
HeadquartersSaconnex d'Arve (1984–1993)
300–400 (core members)
Joseph Di Mambro
Grand Master
  • Luc Jouret (1984–1991)
  • Robert Falardeau (1991–1994)
Key people
Michel Tabachnik

The Order of the Solar Temple (French: Ordre du Temple solaire, OTS), or simply the Solar Temple, was an esoteric new religious movement and secret society, often described as a cult, notorious for the mass deaths of many of its members in several incidents throughout the 1990s. The OTS was a neo-Templar movement, claiming to be a continuation of the Knights Templar, and incorporated a mix of Rosicrucianism, Theosophy, and New Age ideas. It was led by Joseph Di Mambro, with Luc Jouret as a spokesman and second in command. It was founded in 1984, in Geneva, Switzerland.

Di Mambro was a French jeweler, esotericist, and serial fraudster, while Jouret was a Belgian homeopath who lectured on alternative medicine and related spirituality. After meeting at one of these lectures they became close, and the OTS was formed. Di Mambro had founded several past esoteric groups, and had previous affiliation with a number of other organizations. The group was active throughout several French-speaking countries.

Following increasing legal and media scandal, including investigations over arms trafficking and pressure from an ex-member, as well as conflict within the group, the founders began to prepare for what they described as "transit" to the star Sirius. In 1994, they first ordered the murder of a family of ex-members in Quebec, before orchestrating mass suicide and mass murder on two communes in Switzerland. In the following years, there were two other mass suicides of former OTS members in France in 1995 and in Quebec in 1997; in total, 74 people died in the course of these events, the classification of which as either mass suicide or mass murder is disputed.

The OTS was a major factor that led to the strengthening of the anti-cult movement in Europe, particularly in Francophone Europe. Due to the death of nearly all high ranking members of the organization, there was no one to convict, except a lone member, composer Michel Tabachnik; he was tried in France, but was acquitted twice in two separate trials, found to be innocent on all counts. In the aftermath many conspiracy theories revolving around the events resulted.



The OTS was one of numerous Neo-Templar organizations active in France and Switzerland in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. These organizations followed a tradition of claiming unbroken descent from a lineage of Grand Masters that claimed to go back to the original medieval Knights Templar; the original Knights Templar had been dissolved by Pope Clement V following accusations of witchcraft and heresy at the beginning of the fourteenth century.[1][2] In 1310, fifty-four Templar knights were burned at the stake, and four years later the Grand Master and a local leader were as well.[3] The idea of the Templars' continued existence has been criticized by scholars of Templar history, and was described by French historian Régine Pernoud as "totally insane."[1][2]

In 1968, French esotericist and author Jacques Breyer and the former grandmaster of AMORC Raymond Bernard, established the Renewed Order of the Temple (French: Ordre rénové du Temple, ORT), viewed by some as a predecessor to the OTS.[1][3][4] Breyer had previously initiated a resurgence of Templar groups in France in 1952.[3] The ORT's main headquarters were located in Auty, where its grand master, Julien Origas, a former member of the Gestapo, was stationed. Origas led members of the far-right to join ORT.[5]



Joseph Di Mambro was a French jeweler with an interest in esotericism. After scamming a business partner in the late 1960s, Di Mambro fled France, before returning to Pont-Saint-Esprit in 1972, believing that his past actions had been forgotten, and acted as a psychologist. Soon after, he was sentenced to six months in prison for writing bad checks, breaching patient trust, and for impersonating a psychiatrist.[6][7] In the 1950s, Di Mambro began practicing spiritualism and frequented a successor group to the Service d'Action Civique (SAC), founded by French politician Charles Pasqua. In the late 1960s, he became a member and lodge leader of the AMORC organization in Nîmes, France.[8] Di Mambro founded in 1973 the Centre for the Preparation of the New Age (French: Centre de Préparation à l'Age Nouveau, CPAN) in Collonges-sous-Salève.[8][9]

Luc Jouret was a Belgian homeopath. He travelled widely studying various forms of alternative and spiritual healing.[10] At the beginning of the 1980s he settled in Annemasse, France, not far from the Swiss border, and began to practice homeopathy there. He continued to lecture widely on holistic health and the paranormal and invited those who responded to him into Amenta Club.[11]

In 1975, a Geneva-based community known as the Brotherhood of the Pyramid (French: Fraternité de la pyramide), or alternatively La Pyramide, founded by Di Mambro, began meeting regularly in a house in the Geneva countryside, for community, discussion and mutual support on topics such as diet and spirituality.[5][12][13] In June 1977, Di Mambro met orchestral conductor Michel Tabachnik, who, having an interest in esotericism, attended and became a member.[5][14] Di Mambro suggested he take over the community and structure it.[15] The following year, the two men created the Golden Way Foundation.[16]

Golden Way


In 1978 Di Mambro founded the Golden Way Foundation (French: Fondation Golden Way).[5] Based in a villa in Saconnex-d'Arve, Switzerland, the foundation aimed to discuss issues of pollution, the environment and social ties. It aimed to develop knowledge about the evolution of future quality of life, such as healthy living, organic farming and alternative healthcare techniques.[17] Through conferences (with guests such as Iannis Xenakis, Alexis Weissenberg, Nikita Magaloff, Hubert Reeves and Michel Jonasz), research and television interviews, the foundation opened up to public and political life.[18]

In the early 1980s, Joseph Di Mambro and Michel Tabachnik, both interested in philosophy, esotericism and spirituality, decided to bring a mystical and religious vision to the foundation. A room called the "Sanctuary" was set aside for meditation and rituals designed to "connect with the world of the invisible". Members wore white capes with symbols such as the Rose cross and the Templar cross.[19] Michel Tabachnik held several conferences on esotericism. Di Mambro also set up the Amenta society to spread the ideas of the Golden Way Foundation and to recruit new members.[8] Joseph Di Mambro was perceived by Foundation members as a medium and as a "walk-in" being (a being who takes on the body of another with their consent).[20] Jouret gave a number of lectures in which he defended the existence of a link between a spiritual approach and homeopathy. Having noticed Luc Jouret's good elocution and communication skills, Di Mambro decided to meet him, and was charmed. He invited Jouret to join the Golden Way, where he quickly rose in the ranks.[5] In 1981, Camille Pilet, later the treasurer of the OTS, suffered a heart attack and met Jouret. Following this he took an interest in the alternative medicines promoted by Jouret, and joined the group.[8][21] The same year, Origas was invited by Di Mambro to visit the Golden Way commune; Origas, impressed with Jouret, invited him into ORT.[5]

In June 1981, Di Mambro, then 57, began an affair with then 21-year-old Dominique Bellaton. He later claimed to receive a revelation from the "masters" that Bellaton would produce a "cosmic child" through theogamy.[5][a] About that time, Jouret founded the Amenta Club (later renamed simply Amenta, then Atlanta).[11] In 1982, Di Mambro announced that a "great mission" awaited the foundation. He also announced that a "child-king" was to be born into the community.[22] Di Mambro soon had the idea that Bellaton, a young drug-addicted woman who had been hunted by pimps who joined the order at her parents' request, was the surrogate mother of the "cosmic child". A ceremony in the order's crypt, organized with special effects, helped to confirm to the members the supernatural powers of theogamy, when in fact Dominique was Di Mambro's mistress and had been pregnant for several weeks.[23] Their child, initially named Anne Bellaton, was born on 22 March 1982.[5] The child was viewed as "the Christ of the new generation",[5] but was born female, something attributed by Di Mambro to human imperfection (believing the child's mother being human had led to an imperfect Christ).[24] Di Mambro claimed the child was an Avatar, a male soul trapped in a female body. She was then given the female title Emmanuelle, but was referred to with male pronouns.[24] In January 1986 Di Mambro legally recognized the child as his biologically at the French Consulate in Quebec.[24]

In 1983, after the death of Julien Origas, leader of ORT, Di Mambro urged Jouret to take over the order, and he became its new grand master the same year.[5] Within the year Origas's daughter forced him out of the group over a dispute involving leadership and funds, resulting in a schism with half of ORT going with Jouret.[4][25] Jouret then formed and lead a schismatic group of 30 ORT members, which opened branches in Martinique and Quebec.[1][21] The same year, Michel Tabachnik was made president of the Golden Way Foundation.[5]


One of the symbols of the OTS.

The precise definition or classification as to what kind of movement the Solar Temple was by academics is inconsistent; scholars have labeled it variously as an esoteric new religious movement, a neo-Templar group, a Rosicrucian organization, a doomsday or suicide cult, a new magical movement, a magical-esoteric religion, or a secret society, among others.[26] Stephen A. Kent and Melodie Campbell classified the group as a UFO religion.[27] According to Henrik Bogdan, what the OTS is classified as depends on "how these labels are defined and what aspects of the OTS are emphasized."[26]

Shannon Clusel and Susan J. Palmer described the OTS as a neo-Templar movement, with influence from the philosophies of Rosicrucianism, Theosophy, and the New Age.[1] Bogdan emphasized their status as a masonic initiatory society.[26] Massimo Introvigne has classified them as one of many neo-Templar movements; organizations that claim, through adherence to a set of myths about the secret survival of the Knights Templar, to actually be a continuation of that movement. Such groups were often affiliated with masonic rites and freemasonry.[2] The organization was described by the Quebec coroner investigating the case as incorporating a variety of traditions, but as primarily inspired by occultism, due to its belief in pseudoscientific practices, and practices unrecognized by other religions, which required special initiation.[28]

Beliefs and practices


Many members of the OTS were wealthy and socially successful, in contrast to many other cults.[29] As an esoteric movement, teachings of the OTS were only elaborated upon to those advanced enough in the organization. Members progressed through several related movements – the Amenta Club, then the Archedia Club, then to the OICST.[30] Most of the dead were the high ranking members, with those left surviving being the lower ranking who had less access to the ideas of the group; this has caused difficulties in investigating their beliefs by scholars.[30]

In OTS theology, the star Sirius was a focal point, as the "Blue Star" that had appeared roughly 26,000 years ago; they believed it to be the home of the "Ascended Masters" (also called the Great White Brotherhood).[30] The OTS conceived of the Ascended Masters as having arrived on earth, where they inhabited Agartha (an underground spiritual realm popular in esoteric thought).[30][31] The Masters were, in the OTS's conception, effectively souls with the ability to manifest in physical form; both the Masters and human beings were perceived as souls who were merely temporarily occupying their bodies, and at the time of death would merely move on to another.[30] The OTS believed that advanced members could, at will, "de-corporealize".[32][33]

Both the Masters and human beings were believed to be capable of reincarnation, a key aspect of OTS theology.[30] OTS members believed themselves to be reincarnated versions of the original Templars who had been burned at the stake with grandmaster Jacques de Molay,[1] and even further, members of a class of people who had been reborn since ancient times, whose purpose in the world was to fulfill a "cosmic mission".[34] Di Mambro personally claimed he was a reincarnation of, among others, an Egyptian pharaoh, one of the 12 Disciples, Longinus (the Roman soldier who pierced Jesus's side during the crucifixion) and an Ascended Master, Manatanus. Jouret claimed he was a reincarnation of Bernard of Clairvaux, founder of the original Knights Templar.[33]

One OTS practice was "cosmic coupling" or "cosmic marriage". Following Di Mambro's reveal of a member's past lives, either Di Mambro or Jouret, (though Jouret himself was forced by Di Mambro to separate from his wife due to "cosmic incompatibility")[35] would force apart married couples and put them with other members.[36][37] Di Mambro claimed he did this as the will of the "Cosmic Masters".[36] The goal of these cosmic couples was to birth 7 or 9 elite "cosmic children", one of whom was his daughter Emmanuelle (another included Tabachnik's son). According Di Mambro, these seven children would form "the conscience of the new humanity" and they were raised to fulfill this role.[38] At the time of the mass suicides, there were only five cosmic children.[39] In splitting up a couple, Di Mambro would explain to them that their "karmic cycle" had been fulfilled; they would be reassigned to a new partner, whereupon they would be sent off on a mission together.[40] These pairings often had large age gaps: Dominique Bellaton (in her 30s) was paired with Patrick Vuarnet who was 14 years younger, Gerry Genoud was a decade younger than his cosmic wife, Thierry Huguenin's marriage was broken apart and his wife (in her 30s) was matched with Di Mambro's 14 year old son.[40] Bruno Klaus, upon leaving his wife at Di Mambro's order, declared: "The Masters have decided. I am going to live with another woman".[36] Ex-members often complained they were forced into these cosmic unions.[39]

Ritual was an important aspect of the OTS's beliefs, described as its "core activity" by scholar Hendrik Bogdan.[41] One of these rituals was where ranking members could witness the Masters manifest in the underground chambers of the group, in what were actually holographic shows by Antonio Dutoit.[30] Underground sanctuaries were built by the group, hidden behind false walls and only accessible through secret passageways: to enter them, a member would have to take a ritual number of 22 steps.[31]



The group used many names during its existence, sometimes multiple at once. Following the deaths, "Solar Temple" has been used as the overall common term.[42] Many aspects of the group's organizational structure were in flux, as is the case in many NRMs.[41] The "Order of the Solar Temple" formally was only a part of the larger organization; many members of the "core" of the organization were never actual members of the "OTS" proper.[43] The most public face of the organization was the Amenta Club (later Atlanta), which had Luc Jouret lecture on New Age-related issues, including ecology, homeopathy, and naturopathy; from the Amenta Club recruitment was done to the more secretive Archedia Clubs, which involved the ritual elements.[41] The third, and apparently most secretive layer, was the International Order of Chivalry Solar Tradition, or the Order of the Solar Temple.[41]

The OTS had a strict hierarchy with three degrees, in the structure of an initiatory Masonic society: the Frères du Parvis, Chevaliers de l’Alliance, and Frères des Temps Anciens (the Brothers of the Court, Knights of the Alliance, and Brothers of the Former Times).[41] For each degree, a rite of initiation was undergone by the member; specifics of each ceremony varied, but in one ritual ("The Dubbing of a Knight") the officiants were mentioned as: Priest, Deacon, Ritual Master, Matre, Chaplain, Sentinel, Master of Ceremonies, Guardian, and Escorts. The precise relation of these hierarchies to the organization at large is unclear, with the degrees possibly constituting an even more selective group, which some sources call the Synarchy of the Temple.[41] Outside of this framework was the fourth organization, the Golden Way Foundation (previously La Pyramide), which was the parent structure of both the Archedia and Amenta clubs.[41] Members of the OTS paid a monthly membership fee and lived communally.[1]



In 1984, Jouret and Di Mambro formed the International Chivalric Order of the Solar Tradition (French: ordre international chevaleresque de Tradition solaire, OICTS) in Geneva, which would later become the Order of the Solar Temple.[4][25] Jouret, a compelling speaker, was the "front man" for this organization, though Di Mambro was the actual leader.[25][44] From then on, the group's most active locations were in French-speaking Europe and Quebec; from Quebec, the group intended to spread its influence to the United States, and began a translation project to make OTS ideas available to English speakers. This was mostly unsuccessful, as the OTS never had more than a few American members.[45]

In 1985, Di Mambro decided to set up a survival center in Canada in the event of nuclear war. An estate, named Sacred Heart (French: Sacré-Coeur) was purchased in Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade, Quebec, to create an organic farm.[46] The organization set up several subsidiaries, both official and hidden, to finance these real estate purchases; Di Mambro made a profit by reselling his stakes in these purchases to members.[28] Di Mambro, Jouret, Dominique Bellaton and Camille Pilet bought four semi-detached chalets on Chemin Belisle in Morin-Heights, Quebec and, with members' money, several other houses for OTS activities (including a farm in Cheiry, Canton of Fribourg) managed by member Albert Giacobino.

Di Mambro had asked Tabachnik to draw up a series of writings to inspire him to rise in ranks within the order, called the Archées.[47] Many of the Order's concepts and principles were inspired by these writings, third degree initiatory texts.[48] Written between 1984 and 1989, they were made up of 21 articles, each ranging from 15 to 20 pages.[48] They were considered difficult to understand even by members of the OTS.[48]

First disagreements


At its peak, the OTS had 300–400 core members.[21] The group reached its membership height in January 1989, with 442 members: 187 in Metropolitan France, 90 in Switzerland, 86 in Canada, 53 in Martinique, 16 in the US, and 10 in Spain, from which they gained more than $36000 in monthly revenue overall.[45] Most members of the OTS had little contact with the leadership, and little or no idea of their violent plans.[49] Some financially successful members individually donated amounts ranging from the hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars to the group, to finance the "life centers"; however, some of the money was instead used to fund the leader's own travel expenses, and cost of living expenses for OTS members who did not have other support. The group began to have financial problems.[45]

In the 1990s, Luc Jouret, having given up his profession as a homeopath to devote himself fully to the OTS, began lecturing on personal development at various companies, universities and banks, mainly in Quebec but also in Switzerland, France and Belgium. Di Mambro, who had a dim view of these lectures as "disseminating the ideas and principles of the OTS to the public", began sabotaging Jouret's lectures, who eventually abandoned his activities and became totally dependent on Di Mambro.[50] The members of the Sacred Heart commune disliked Jouret, accusing him of a lack of financial transparency and sexual exploitation of women. He was viewed as a dictator by the Quebec members of the group, and was also not present often as he constantly traveled. There was a resulting power struggle between the Quebec and Swiss templars.[51] As a result Jouret would slowly become less prominent in the leadership role of the Solar Temple and quit its executive committee in January 1993.[52]

Apostates and the media


The OTS had largely escaped negative public attention from the anti-cult movement in the 1980s, other than two lines published in a French anti-cult booklet about Jouret in 1984. He and the group were left out of later 1980s editions.[53] In 1991, a former member, Rose-Marie Klaus, contacted a Montreal cult-watching organization, Info-Secte, and following that the group produced a letter warning other organizations in Canada about the group.[54]

Klaus's husband had left her for a "cosmic marriage" to another woman, and she wanted money she had given to the organization returned; she sued the group, and attempted to get negative press coverage on the OTS.[54] While her husband Bruno Klaus (later dead in the 1997 transit) had been getting increasingly involved in the OTS, Rose-Marie was growing less involved, but continued to live with him near the group's compound. One day, Bruno arrived home, and told her that the OTS masters had decided that he was to be with another woman; Rose-Marie, upset by this, asked Jouret to mediate between them. His solution to this issue followed the OTS practice of "cosmic coupling", which ignored "earthy marriage"; he set up Rose-Marie with another man, André Friedli, later one of the killers in the 1995 transit.[55][56] Rose-Marie was not satisfied with this and it only briefly lasted. She stated that "I saw later that this man went with other women, the women had other men. It was very mixed up."[56]

For several years after this, she repeatedly tried to get Bruno back, having a "foot inside, but always one outside" the OTS community, but eventually gave up, and began contacting anti-cult groups.[57] On 10 September 1991, the president of Martinique's branch of the Association for the Defense of Families and Individuals (the leading French anti-cult group), asked various Canadian associations for information on the group in a letter, following several Martinicans leaving the island to join them.[53] In 1992, after an invitation from a French cult-watching organization, Klaus visited Martinique, where she denounced the group. Her statements were picked up on by the local media.[53][58][54]

Gun scandal


The next year the group encountered further trouble. The police of Canada, which was then investigating Q-37 (a mysterious group that threatened to assassinate Canadian public officials, which was eventually determined to have never existed), believed the OTS may have been involved.[54] Soon after the group's locations in Quebec were raided and two members were arrested on grounds of possession of illegal weapons. Jouret had asked the men to buy three semi-automatic guns with silencers, illegal in Canada, resulting in the three being arrested.[59][12] Jouret and the other two men were given only light sentences after the crime (one year of unsupervised probation and a $1000 fine intended to be paid to the Red Cross), but in the aftermath the media took interest in the group. The Canadian press began to report, using information gained from police wiretaps, conversations between members of the OTS, which they described as a "doomsday cult".[58][60]

Though Jouret had encouraged some members of the OTS to learn to shoot, at the time, members of Info-Secte believed the group to be of a survivalist nature, and that they intended to use the weapons to defend themselves after an apocalypse; a representative of Info-Secte publicly expressed his confusion as to why they would need silencers for this purpose. Even tabloid newspapers that covered the OTS, which ran lurid stories about the organization, did not indicate they believed them capable of violence. In March 1993, some members of the group tried to convince the press that the OTS was harmless and mostly dedicated to moral improvement and gardening, and denied allegations of being a cult.[58]

The OTS viewed itself as increasingly persecuted, though according to Jean-François Mayer, there was little actual opposition to the group, with Canadian Public Security Minister Claude Ryan explicitly stating the government would not surveil cult members in the wake of reports on the group, and denying information claiming the group had planned to commit terrorist attacks in Canada.[61] The leadership believed the increasing legal and media attention to be both a conspiracy against the OTS and a sign of the Kali Yuga, and the group's ideas became increasingly focused on environmental destruction and ecological collapse.[12][60]

Beginning in the late 1980s, several members began to doubt Di Mambro.[62] In 1990, Di Mambro's son Elie discovered that the apparations that appeared during OTS ceremonies were faked, operated by Tony Dutoit, who confirmed this, before leaving the group. Elie, who also realized that the "masters" his father presented did not exist, then revealed this to other members.[62][63] Some members explained the falsification away as necessary to keep "weaker souls" in the group, but numerous other members, whose faith in the group had been previously damaged by the silencer scandal, left the group and demanded a reimbursement of money they had donated.[63] Joseph Di Mambro promised to return the sums requested, but several OTS members resigned in quick succession in 1990, leaving only the core group of OTS members.[62] The leaders began to monitor members who said they wanted to leave the OTS. Some were spied on, others had their phones tapped. Many members, including Di Mambro's own son and many high-ranking members, left.[12]

Di Mambro also began having issues with Emmanuelle; though she had been raised from birth to be a messiah figure, by the age of 12 she had become uncooperative, rejecting her role in the group and taking an interest in typical teenage pop culture. He additionally believed her to be under threat from the Antichrist,[63] who he believed was born to Tony and Nicky Dutoit in summer 1994.[63][64] Di Mambro believed that the Antichrist was born into the order to prevent him from succeeding in his spiritual aim.[64] Di Mambro had previously forbidden Nicky from giving birth, but after she left the group, they had a son, who they named Christopher Emmanuel. Di Mambro, deeply offended by the name similitarity, the disobeying of his instructions, and that he had not been consulted in the naming of the infant, ordered the family be murdered later in 1994.[63][64]

Mass murders and suicides




In a tape likely dating to spring 1994, Jouret and Di Mambro discussed the Waco siege, saying that they had "beaten us to the punch", with Di Mambro saying "what we’ll do will be even more spectacular".[65] Members of the group claimed a mass suicide had occurred in Sydney on 6 January 1994. According to the New South Wales Police, this did not occur.[66][67] In another tape from spring 1994, Di Mambro stated:[68]

We are rejected by the whole world. First by the people, the people can no longer withstand us. And our Earth, fortunately she rejects us. How would we leave [otherwise]? We also reject this planet. We wait for the day we can leave … life for me is intolerable, intolerable, I can’t go on. So think about the dynamic that will get us to go elsewhere.

Given the scale of the issues facing the group leaders, it was decided they would "transit" to Sirius. To prepare for the transit, specific missions were given to the most faithful members.[69] Included among these was the specific kinds of deaths, which were divided into three categories:

  • the elimination of "traitors";
  • the execution of members who agreed with the principle of transit, but not necessarily by physical death ("Immortals");
  • the execution of members who agreed with the principle of transit and accept physical death ("Awakened")

The OTS termed the acts a "transit", which they described as "in no way a suicide in the human sense of the term".[29] In their view, traitors would be simply murdered, while "weaker" members would be "helped" to transit, and the remaining members considered strong enough would kill themselves. Members believed that, upon death, they would acquire "solar bodies" in a faraway location in space (typically given as the star Sirius, but alternatively Jupiter or Venus).[48][70][44] The group's leaders wrote four letters expressing these views, known as Le testament, which contained messages of the order's beliefs.[71][72][44] The four letters were titled "To All Those Who Can Still Understand the Voice of Wisdom … We Address This Last Message", "The Rose+Croix", "Transit to the Future", and finally "To Lovers of Justice".[73]

In their belief, they would "transit" by the star Sirius. During the last meeting of the order, On 24 September 1994, the group was renamed as the Alliance Rose Croix (ARC), announced by Tabachnik. The group claimed the renaming was in order to reach "the irreversible stage of the return to the Father" and the "Vth Reign", which would lead to the abolition of hierarchies.[48]

Morin-Heights, Cheiry & Salvan


On 30 September 1994, Dominique Bellaton lured the Dutoits to Di Mambro's chalet in Morin-Heights; Di Mambro had ordered two group members, Jerry Genoud and Joël Egger, to eliminate the infant.[64] The baby was stabbed through the heart with a wooden stake, and the parents were then murdered. Each of the victims was stabbed multiple times; Tony was stabbed fifty times in the back.[74][75] Bellaton and Egger left for Switzerland at 10:10 p.m. the same day, while Genoud and his wife Colette cleaned up and set fire to the chalet, killing themselves.[76] The bodies of the Dutoits were later found hidden in a storage closet.[75]

On the night of October 4 to 5, 1994, two fires broke out in Switzerland: one at around 11:55 p.m. at the "La Rochette" farm in Cheiry, and another in three chalets at "Le Fond du Ban" in Salvan. When the fire department arrived, they found 23 people dead in Cheiry and 25 in Salvan. The victims were, in most cases, "dressed in a white, black or gold ritual cloak, depending on the degree of initiation reached".[77] In Cheiry, some of the victims were found in an octagonal room with mirrors on the walls.[78][75] Jouret was among the dead in Salvan. Many bodies were burned beyond recognition, and Jouret and Di Mambro's bodies had to be identified via dental records.[79] Di Mambro's wife and child were also among the dead.[80]

On the morning of 5 October, Di Mambro instructed member Patrick Vuarnet, Jean Vuarnet's son, to mail the Testament letters to roughly 300 people, including to the media, other followers and a number of political and public figures, including Charles Pasqua and Bill Clinton.[81][82] These letters were also sent out to newspapers and the religious historian Jean-François Mayer.[44][83] They were postmarked from "D.Part" and "Tran Sit Corp", mailed from "33 Golden Strasse, 8011 ZURICH".[84][29][b]

In Cheiry, twenty victims died from one or more bullets to the head, two suffocated with plastic bags around their heads, and another probably in the same way on 3 October. Twenty-two people had flunitrazepam in their blood, and one had theobromine. The building, closed from the inside, was then set on fire the following day by an automatic ignition system.[85] The bodies were dressed in the order's ceremonial robes and were in a circle, feet together, heads outward, most with plastic bags tied over their heads; they had each been shot in the head.[86] The dead were divided into three categories. The inner circle members who were close to Jouret and Di Mambro, called the "Awakened", ingested poison. An additional 30, "Immortals", were shot or smothered; 8 others, declared as "traitors", were murdered.[74][87]

The plastic bags may have been a symbol of the ecological disaster that would befall the human race after the OTS members moved on to Sirius; it is also possible that these bags were used as part of the OTS rituals, and that members would have voluntarily worn them without being placed under duress. There was also evidence that many of the victims in Switzerland were drugged before they were shot. Other victims were found in three ski chalets; several dead children were lying together.[86] The tragedy was discovered when officers rushed to the sites to fight the fires that had been ignited by remote-control devices. Farewell letters left by the believers stated that they believed they were leaving to escape the "hypocrisies and oppression of this world."[86] At least five of the dead were children.[88]

In Salvan, it transpired that the victims had been injected (or had injected themselves) with a curare, opioid and benzodiazepine-based poison. The cottages were then locked from the inside and set on fire using an automatic ignition system. Bodies were found in only two of the three cottages.[89] A mayor, a journalist, a civil servant, and a sales manager were found among the dead in Switzerland. Records seized by the Quebec police showed that some members had personally donated over C$1 million to Di Mambro. It was concluded by police investigators that most of the dead had died on the 3rd.[75]

Swiss investigation


The leadership of the OTS cared deeply about the group's legacy, and spent a large amount of time preemptively creating a "legend" through both the manifestos they mailed to various media and scholarly sources, and by destroying all evidence that would have conflicted with their own story. This plan was disrupted, as some of the ignition devices had failed. This failure left behind a large number of the Temple's written documents, some of which were found on the group's surviving computers, as well as audio and video cassettes, able to be looked through by investigators.[90] Several months after the deaths, two journalists from France 2 visited the ruins of the Salvan chalet and found, in the kitchen garbage can, audio cassettes in excellent condition, recording telephone conversations between followers who had been spied on by Di Mambro.[91] Extracts from the tapes were broadcast and deemed to be in line with the order's beliefs and theses.[92]

Thanks to the documents found, the police were able to understand the workings of the community and recognize some of its members, including Michel Tabachnik (in concert in Denmark at the time of the massacres).[93] He was questioned for three days by the investigating judge André Piller, and was cleared of having been the perpetrator of the massacre. Other former OTS members were also questioned, such as Thierry Huguenin, who testified that he had been called to Salvan on 4 October on the promise that money owed to him would be returned that day. According to Thierry Huguenin, Jouret and Di Mambro had planned for there to be exactly 54 victims, in connection with 54 Templars who had been burned at the stake in the fourteenth century. This was to allow an immediate magic contact with these departed Templars.[94] However, Huguenin escaped from the scene last minute, having sensed danger, which left the death toll at only 53.[95] After the event, some other members declared their continued support for the group's ideas, and even regretted not having been chosen for the "transit".[96] A Swiss magistrate concluded that of the fifty two deaths, only fifteen were suicides.[70]



On the morning of 16 December 1995, 14 people, including three children, were immolated in a circular star-formation in an isolated clearing on the Vercors massif, near Saint-Pierre-de-Chérennes in France.[97][98] The investigation conducted by the Grenoble Gendarmerie hypothesized that the 14 people, including three children, took sedative pills; then Jean-Pierre Lardanchet and André Friedli shot each member in the head one by one with two .22 caliber rifles. After that, they poured gasoline on the bodies and set them on fire, before they both shot themselves in the head with two .357 Magnum revolvers.[99] The bodies of the two perpetrators were found alongside the burned ones..[97][98] On 23 December 1995, the 16 bodies were discovered after a missing persons investigation by the gendarmerie, after having been lead to the bodies by a hunter.[100]

The plot had been orchestrated by Christiane Bonet, a devoted former member of the OTS who said she could commune with Jouret and Di Mambro from the afterlife.[101] Some of those who died left behind notes where they discussed that they would "see another world".[70] Investigators concluded that of the sixteen dead, at least four had not died willingly.[102]



On 22 March 1997, five members of the Solar Temple died in a mass suicide in Saint-Casimir, Quebec, burning their house down with them inside.[103] The dead included two couples: Chantal and Didier Quèze, as well as Pauline Riou and Bruno Klaus (Rose-Marie Klaus's ex-husband), and one of their parents.[104] Responding officers found three teenage survivors at the scene, the children of the Quèzes, who were found to be drugged.[72] Following the first failed attempt to initiate the transit (that included them against their will), the children had negotiated their right to live with their parents, who eventually agreed that they did not have to die. Following this, the adults continually failed to burn the house down, becoming increasingly sick, until eventually the teenagers burned the house down at their parents' request.[105]

The children were ultimately not charged with any crime, as the fact that they had been drugged and the influence the cult could have had on them was viewed as mitigating their responsibility.[106][107] The adults had mailed a transit letter to several Canadian news outlets, in which they explained that they had taken their own lives believing that their deaths would let them "transit" to another planet to continue living.[102][108]



In the wake of the deaths, fear of cults took hold of the French and Swiss populations.[109][110] The group immediately became well known.[110] The victims of the OTS were noted as not confirming to the usual idea of a cultist, vulnerable and easy to influence, but were instead respected members of society in powerful positions, some of whom were very rich, a surprise to many.[110] The group's actions were a major factor in the toughening of the fight against cults in France, resulting in a general rise in opposition against purported "cults".[110] Following the deaths, on 29 June 1995 the French National Assembly would vote, unanimously, to appoint the Guyard Commission to study the phenomenon of cults.[111] Appointed as president of this commission was Jacques Guyard [fr], while it was chaired by Alain Gest; the commission would release a list of "cults" that year, listing 173 cults including the OTS.[112][113]

In the following years, the French media would accuse other cults/sects of being like the Solar Temple, plotting their own mass suicides; included among them the Unification Church and Scientology, as well as Aumistes and Raëlians.[110] The Raëlians were particularly affected by this, constantly accused of plotting mass suicide. Leader Raël responded to the affair by saying: "If those idiots in the Solar Temple decided to kill themselves, that is not our problem" and "why do the journalists always call me for comment when there's a collective suicide? I don’t want to die! I want to be around to piss them off for a long time!"[114] The Raëlians put out a press release stating that suicide was against their belief system.[114] The Aumistes were also affected, being told by the police that there was a rumor they would commit mass suicide "like the Solar Temple".[115]

After the deaths, Swiss cantonal authorities founded the Centre intercantonal d'information sur les croyances, an organization meant to provide information on cults.[116] The acts of the Solar Temple prompted European governments to begin to monitor new and nontraditional religious movements, and also influenced the American anti-cult movement.[117]

There were initially debates over whether it was mass suicide or mass murder.[88] The investigation finally concluded that Di Mambro and Luc Jouret had orchestrated mass suicide. The investigators ordered the destruction of the site "so as not to shock believers or attract the curious", a decision that was controversial.[77] In the aftermath, many anti-cult activists compared Jouret — viewed then as the charismatic leader of the OTS — to David Koresh, though Di Mambro was later described as the group's main leader, with Jouret its recruiter.[44]

Grenoble's former museum-library, the location of the 2001 trial.

On 23 December 1995, during the journal de 13 heures program on the French channel TF1, journalist Gilles Bouleau claimed that the group had survived and united behind Michel Tabachnik, indirectly declaring that Tabachnik was the mastermind behind the Vercors massacre.[118] Tabachnik was investigated following the incident; Fontaine placed him under examination on 12 June 1996 for conspiracy.[119] At the time of the investigation, due to the death of the two leaders in Salvan in 1994, Tabachnik was the only defendant in the case. The examining magistrate considered that Tabachnik, through his writings and his conferences, could have incited followers to commit suicide. He was therefore charged with participation in a criminal conspiracy to commit a crime.[120]

On 13 April 2001, at the Grenoble Museum-Library, which had been transformed for the occasion, the court trial of Michel Tabachnik for "criminal conspiracy" began. The plaintiffs' side split into two camps; one camp, led by Alain Vuarnet, felt that the trial should not focus on Tabachnik's responsibility but on the investigation itself, which they felt had not been thorough. Another, led by the anti-cult group UNADFI, believed that Tabachnik and his writings were the cause of the mass suicides, and that cults must be eradicated.[121][122] On 25 June 2001, the court acquitted Tabachnik, on the basis that there had been no conclusive proof found of any involvement, and his writings accused of influencing the members into death were deemed unlikely to have influenced them.[122] The public prosecutor appealed the criminal court's decision, and Tabachnik was tried again in a second trial beginning 24 October 2006.[123] The appeals court upheld the lower court's ruling, and he was acquitted a second time in December 2006.[124][122]



Several books have been published about the case.[1][125] Several former members of the OTS wrote memoirs, including Thierry Huguenin (Le 54e, 1995), René de Vailly (La Vérité sur l’Ordre du Temple Solaire, 1995), Tabachnik (Bouc emissaire: le piege du temple solaire, 1997), Hermann Delorme (Crois et meurs dans l’Ordre du Temple Solaire, 1996) and Charles Dauvergne (Vingt Ans au Soleil du Temple, 2008).[1][125] Many journalists authored books on the OTS, including Arnaud Bédat, Gilles Bouleau and Bernard Nicolas, who authored Les Chevaliers de la mort; the journalist Renaud Marhic [fr] also wrote a book on the case.[125] It has also been the subject of works from academics, including The Order of the Solar Temple: The Temple of Death and Les Mythes du Temple Solaire.[1]



In January 1998, a group called the Atman Foundation was suspected of plotting ritual suicide in the Teide National Park in the Canary Islands; police of the island had announced they had prevented another OTS suicide, which made headlines around the world. It was later clarified that they were unrelated groups. Later investigations of that group failed to turn up proof of the ritual suicide allegation, and the leader was acquitted of all charges; the allegation was likely started by the leader's estranged brother.[126][127]

Some people have alleged connections between the OTS and various political scandals, citing possible links between Luc Jouret and members of Gladio.[128] In 2006, the filmmaker Yves Boisset also denounced the "political mafia" trail, which he claimed the investigators had overlooked.[129] Boisset made a documentary film, Les Mystères sanglants de l'OTS, to set out his point of view, which aired on the network France 2 in 2006.[130]


  1. ^ Referring to the concept of conceiving a child through divine intervention without sexual relations.[5]
  2. ^ Allusions to various beliefs of the OTS. "Golden Strasse" refers to the Golden Way, 33 for the "33 Elder Brothers of the Rosicrucian Order". D. Part is a pun - "Depart". Zurich is where Di Mambro claimed to have met the "masters".[84]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Clusel & Palmer 2020, p. 219.
  2. ^ a b c Introvigne 2006, pp. 19–20.
  3. ^ a b c Lewis 2005, p. 297.
  4. ^ a b c Palmer 1996, p. 305.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Clusel & Palmer 2020, p. 220.
  6. ^ Bédat, Bouleau & Nicolas 1997, p. 37.
  7. ^ Lewis 2005, p. 301.
  8. ^ a b c d Michaud 1996, p. 32.
  9. ^ Bogdan 2014, p. 288.
  10. ^ Introvigne 2006, p. 28.
  11. ^ a b Introvigne 2006, p. 29.
  12. ^ a b c d Bogdan 2014, p. 289.
  13. ^ Morath & Lemasson 2023a, 0:25–1:29.
  14. ^ Morath & Lemasson 2023a, 00:45–01:12.
  15. ^ Morath & Lemasson 2023a, 07:30–07:55.
  16. ^ Morath & Lemasson 2023a, 08:00–08:06.
  17. ^ Morath & Lemasson 2023a, 08:10–09:00.
  18. ^ Morath & Lemasson 2023a, 08:10–09:50.
  19. ^ Morath & Lemasson 2023a, 17:20–17:50.
  20. ^ Morath & Lemasson 2023a, 26:30–26:40, 30:14–30:20.
  21. ^ a b c Palmer 1996, p. 306.
  22. ^ Morath & Lemasson 2023a, 20:45–21:00.
  23. ^ Pivois, Marc (19 April 2001). "De l'épée volante à l'enfant cosmique" [From the flying sword to the cosmic child]. Libération (in French). Archived from the original on 28 February 2014. Retrieved 27 January 2013.
  24. ^ a b c Clusel & Palmer 2020, p. 221.
  25. ^ a b c Hall & Schuyler 2000, p. 126.
  26. ^ a b c Bogdan 2006, p. 134.
  27. ^ Campbell, Melodie; Kent, Stephen A. (1998). "UFO/Flying Saucer Cullts". In Swatos, William H. (ed.). Encyclopedia of Religion and Society. AltaMira Press. p. 531. ISBN 978-0-7619-8956-1. Retrieved 16 August 2024.
  28. ^ a b Michaud 1996, p. 33.
  29. ^ a b c Hall & Schuyler 2000, p. 117.
  30. ^ a b c d e f g Chryssides 2006, p. 119.
  31. ^ a b Palmer 1996, p. 311.
  32. ^ Palmer 1996, p. 315.
  33. ^ a b Chryssides 2006, p. 120.
  34. ^ Mayer 1999, p. 173.
  35. ^ Bédat, Bouleau & Nicolas 1997, pp. 108–109.
  36. ^ a b c Lewis 2005, p. 302.
  37. ^ Palmer 1996, p. 309.
  38. ^ Clusel & Palmer 2020, pp. 220–221.
  39. ^ a b Palmer 1996, p. 310.
  40. ^ a b Clusel & Palmer 2020, p. 243.
  41. ^ a b c d e f g Bogdan 2006, p. 144.
  42. ^ Mayer 2006a, p. 7.
  43. ^ Mayer 2006b, p. 91.
  44. ^ a b c d e Palmer 1996, p. 303.
  45. ^ a b c Mayer 1999, p. 177.
  46. ^ Clusel & Palmer 2020, p. 224.
  47. ^ Morath & Lemasson 2023a, 40:35–41:33.
  48. ^ a b c d e Labelle 2006, p. 162.
  49. ^ Mayer 2006b, p. 97.
  50. ^ Morath & Lemasson 2023b, 34:00–35:50.
  51. ^ Clusel & Palmer 2020, p. 225.
  52. ^ Clusel & Palmer 2020, p. 226.
  53. ^ a b c Mayer 1999, p. 179.
  54. ^ a b c d Wessinger 2000, p. 224.
  55. ^ Bédat, Bouleau & Nicolas 2000, p. 226.
  56. ^ a b Hall & Schuyler 2000, pp. 132.
  57. ^ Hall & Schuyler 2000, pp. 133.
  58. ^ a b c Mayer 2006b, p. 96.
  59. ^ Introvigne 2006, pp. 31–32.
  60. ^ a b Mayer 1999, p. 180.
  61. ^ Mayer 2006b, pp. 98–99.
  62. ^ a b c Mayer 1998, p. 7.
  63. ^ a b c d e Walliss 2006, p. 112.
  64. ^ a b c d Farnsworth, Clyde H. (20 November 1994). "Quebec Police Say Baby Was Target of Cult". The New York Times. p. 19. Retrieved 17 March 2021.
  65. ^ Mayer 1999, p. 172.
  66. ^ "L'enquête sur les morts de L'Ordre du Temple solaire la piste australienne" [The investigation into the deaths of the Order of the Solar Temple the Australian trail]. Le Monde (in French). 12 October 1994. Retrieved 10 December 2023.
  67. ^ "Australia link with Swiss doomsday cult". The Canberra Times. 9 October 1994. pp. 1–2. Retrieved 10 December 2023 – via Trove.
  68. ^ Wessinger 2000, p. 225.
  69. ^ Michaud 1996, p. 35.
  70. ^ a b c Wessinger 2000, p. 219.
  71. ^ Bogdan 2014, p. 286.
  72. ^ a b Clusel & Palmer 2020, p. 218.
  73. ^ Lewis 2006, Appendix 1.
  74. ^ a b Lewis 2006, p. 1.
  75. ^ a b c d Wessinger 2000, p. 218.
  76. ^ Michaud 1996, p. 30.
  77. ^ a b Tenoux, Jean-Pierre (15 August 2006). "Hécatombe à la secte" [Massacre at the cult]. Le Monde (in French). Retrieved 30 September 2023.
  78. ^ Hall & Schuyler 2000, p. 115.
  79. ^ Bédat, Bouleau & Nicolas 1997, p. 23.
  80. ^ "Swiss Police Identify Cult Leader's Body; Cause of Death Unknown". Los Angeles Times. 14 October 1994. Retrieved 16 June 2009.
  81. ^ Serrill, Michael S. (24 October 1994). "Remains of the Day". TIME. Vol. 114, no. 17. p. 42. ISSN 0040-781X. Retrieved 15 August 2023.
  82. ^ Bédat, Bouleau & Nicolas 1997, p. 20.
  83. ^ Clusel & Palmer 2020, p. 231.
  84. ^ a b Bédat, Bouleau & Nicolas 1997, p. 319.
  85. ^ Michaud 1996, p. 31.
  86. ^ a b c Haught 1995, p. 31.
  87. ^ Bogdan 2014, pp. 286–287.
  88. ^ a b Riding, Alan (7 October 1994). "Swiss Examine Conflicting Signs in Cult Deaths". The New York Times. p. 1. Retrieved 10 December 2023.
  89. ^ Michaud 1996, p. 10.
  90. ^ Mayer 1999, pp. 172–174.
  91. ^ Lemasson et al. 1996, 08:45–09:38.
  92. ^ Lemasson et al. 1996, 09:49–10:08.
  93. ^ Morath & Lemasson 2023b, 11:00–11:50.
  94. ^ Introvigne 2006, p. 36.
  95. ^ Lewis 2006, p. 3.
  96. ^ Morath & Lemasson 2023c, 12:20–13:00.
  97. ^ a b Hall & Schuyler 2000, p. 148.
  98. ^ a b Bédat, Bouleau & Nicolas 2000, p. 236.
  99. ^ Bédat, Bouleau & Nicolas 2000, pp. 232–234.
  100. ^ Bédat, Bouleau & Nicolas 2000, pp. 234–235.
  101. ^ Bédat, Bouleau & Nicolas 2000, pp. 218–222.
  102. ^ a b Lewis 2005, pp. 296–297.
  103. ^ Clusel & Palmer 2020, p. 217.
  104. ^ Clusel & Palmer 2020, pp. 233–234.
  105. ^ Clusel & Palmer 2020, p. 237.
  106. ^ Clusel & Palmer 2020, p. 234.
  107. ^ Bédat, Bouleau & Nicolas 2000, p. 299.
  108. ^ Clusel & Palmer 2020, pp. 235–236.
  109. ^ Morath & Lemasson 2023c, 35:16–35:24.
  110. ^ a b c d e Palmer 2011, p. 9.
  111. ^ Palmer 2011, p. 4.
  112. ^ Palmer 2011, p. 10.
  113. ^ "Commission d'enquête sur les sectes" [Committee of inquiry into cults]. National Assembly (in French). 22 December 1995. Retrieved 16 September 2011.
  114. ^ a b Palmer 2011, pp. 98–99.
  115. ^ Palmer 2011, p. 53.
  116. ^ Kirkham 2013, p. 144.
  117. ^ Lewis 2006, p. 2.
  118. ^ Morath & Lemasson 2023c, 23:15–25:10.
  119. ^ Clusel & Palmer 2020, p. 233.
  120. ^ Morath & Lemasson 2023c, 42:40–43:08.
  121. ^ Morath & Lemasson 2023d, 7:50–8:27.
  122. ^ a b c Mayer 2014, p. 49.
  123. ^ Morath & Lemasson 2023d, 39:26–40:20.
  124. ^ Morath & Lemasson 2023d, 40:45–41:00.
  125. ^ a b c Clément, Éric (30 March 1997). "Pour en savoir plus sur l'Ordre du Temple solaire" [Find out more about the Order of the Solar Temple]. La Presse (in Canadian French). Montreal. p. B6. Retrieved 28 June 2024 – via BAnQ numérique.
  126. ^ Richardson 2004, p. 157.
  127. ^ Palmer 2011, p. 54.
  128. ^ Bédat, Bouleau & Nicolas 2000, p. 357.
  129. ^ "OTS : une affaire "politico-mafieuse" ?" [OTS: a "politico-mafia" affair?]. Le Nouvel Obs (in French). Agence France-Presse. 31 October 2006. Retrieved 6 September 2024.
  130. ^ F., G. (27 January 2006). "Les Mystères sanglants de l'OTS" [The Bloody Mysteries of the OTS]. Le Monde (in French). Retrieved 26 April 2024.