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User talk:Axel68

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We all wanted to search the web. Well, we have our daily routine to go to the most popular search engine on the web, Google.com. We enter and do a search. 1,400,000 results of what I had search, but I have to go page 6 to 10 to find what I wanted. Many webmasters have use Google in not a good way, making secret words on their websites so Google Bot thinks that have relevancy but not, they have only SPAM. So there is no relevancy right now in the major search engines. So what they have to upgrade their technology. Mean while I would show you some search engines with different ways to mine the web.

Teoma url: www.teoma.com

WiseNut url: www.wisenut.com

Vivisimo url: www.vivivismo.com

MetaCrawler url: www.metacrawler.com

DMOZ (Directory) url: www.dmoz.org

I hope you find these search engines useful.

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